Chapter 1 of Warrant for Damnation, book 2 of The Courier Series just posted. Barry gets a sharp and rude introduction.
Chapter 1 of Warrant for Damnation, book 2 of The Courier Series just posted. Barry gets a sharp and rude introduction.
Part 5 of Warrant for Damnation is available to read. This week Barry meets a peculiar member of Pete's crew in Trinidad, CO. Enjoy!
THANK GOD the final copy editing for Call for Obstruction is complete. FINALLY! Now I can concentrate on book 2, Warrant for Damnation, full time and get it released every Friday in parts starting April 1st. Check back next week for a book cover and summary revealing.
I added a new book cover by the amazing RL Treadway. Check out her website at She will be illustrating The Courier series. Stay tuned for the illustrations. I'll let you know when they're up.