
Chapter one posted again, and now in a way I am actually really happy with it. I think it's more the style I was going for and more the feeling I want people to have when reading this. Please go check it out, because it's different than before, so definitely worth a reread.


So basically I want to tell you guys: I'm back!!! I'm going to edit everything and post new chapters. Everything's alright again and I feel like I can do this again. I started yesterday by renaming the chapters and changing the cover. I think it's rather cute. Love you guys! x


Okay so basically I am busy trying to edit chapter one right now, because I want to write it a certain was - so that everyone really gets into Charlot and into the story - and at the same time I'm writing the new chapter. It should be published at the end of this week. 
          All love.


Thanks for all my followers and readers and voters and commenters! The Vampire Fate is growing fast right now. I really want to thank all of you because that's amazing. And although the Vampire Fate is not nearly done, I'm already working on my next book. But that's not going to be updated before the Vampire Fate is finished! All love x


Okay, so I have a very important test tomorrow, but when I'm done practicing I'll try to finish editing the first chapter of The Vampire Fate again and I really hope you guys will accept the fact I change some things, because I really don't want to lose any readers and fans and followers because I just love you guys and you're so important to me. Well, thank you for everything and I hope you enjoy my story... :)


So, I just want to tell you guys that I'm going further with The Vampire Fate as fast as possible, after I changed some things. I will make an authors note in the story to tell you guys what has changed and I hope you still read by book and you will comment and vote because I stopped with the book for a while because of the comments that never came and the fact I almost have no votes... So, yeah, have a nice day!! 