
Lol hi


Thank you for the tag @fl-awed 
          My ABC's
          A: age-15
          B: biggest fear- Dark 
          C: current time- 11:48am
          D: drink you last had- Water
          E: easiest person to talk to- @thedemonicpizza
          F: favourite song-  Monster/Lucky One/White Noise by EXO
          G:grossest memory- pretty sure none? like i mean bad and ew stuff have happened but none that i loathe XD
          H: hometown- Hyderabad
          I: in love with- kpop
          J: jealous of- them good af artists who draw so good you just go *-*
          K: killed someone- yeah, like everyone who has seen me, because too hot to handle yo 
          L: longest relationship- i've been friends with this person for 15 years and we're like the closest.
          M: middle name- hahah i dont have one ;-;
          N: number of siblings- 1
          O:one wish- Too meet all my idols and the ones who've inspired and changed me
          P: person who you last called- Mom .-.
          Q: questions you've always asked- "WHY?" "WHY NOT THIS WAY?"
          R: reasons to smile- i've got the loveliest friends aha
          S: song last sang-  EXO Lightsaber (Korean version)
          T: time you woke up- 6:30am bc school
          U: underwear colour- do i need to tell? :/
          V: vacation destination- JAPAN, KOREA, EUROPE
          W: worst habit- easily obsessed with like anything
          X: x-ray's you've had- too many, i lost count.
          Y: your favourite food- Pizza and pasta
          Z: zodiac sign- Gemini
          Now challenge 5 people:


this message may be offensive
Tagged by @fittingmisfits
          1.	My favorite food is pizza
          2.	I love writing and singing
          3.	I’m obsessed with lights
          4.	3 is probably because I’m shit scared of night/darkness 
          5.	I believe in ‘love @ first song’
          6.	I’m that kind of geek who tries to be part of all types of geek
          7.	Halsey, Melanie Martinez, Troye Sivan, Z Tao, Lu Han, EXO, Bangtan Boys, 5 Seconds of Summer, One Direction and many more (I love these artists I swear)
          8.	My goal is to learn at least 10 languages by the time I’m 50
          9.	I can speak three languages already (English,Hindi,Telugu) and I can read Hangul (but like just reading not understanding wtf it means)
          10.	I’m a travel freak 
          11.	I ship almost everyone with everyone, you just need to tell me a ship name and I’ll go OOOHHHHH HELLA YES
          12.	And oh yes I love reading too.
          13.	I believe in all sorts of supernatural stuff but I don’t believe in worshipping a god  
          I tag:
          EVERYONE AHA 
          14.	I suck at choosing people to tag because too many to choose
          -It is necessay to post all the rules.
          -You must post 13 things about yourself.
          -You cant refuse.
          -You must complete this in one week otherwise a punishmemt will be given to you.
          -You must tag 15 people to do this.
          -You have to make a creative name for the chapter (what the hell)


@5sosfamforeveh those are great songs and IKR I had to think for five minutes to choose for 5sos. like the first album makes me wanna dance forever and the second makes me wanna cry and cuddle with them forever SO HARD TO CHOOSE


@Medhaswi 5sos, all songs lol. Troye is happy little pill and youth, and Halsey is Castle, New Americana, and Colors


@5sosfamforeveh Troye is Fault in our stars, Gasoline, Ease and Heaven. 
            Halsey is well Control and ghost 
            5 seconds of summer : vapor, castaway, Beside you, heartbreak girl :D
            What about you??? 