
Chapter 1 is out now. The word count is wack but enjoy :) 


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Hey. I hate to announce this but.. I’m not writing stories anymore. I’ll be on here and there but I’m not writing anymore. This doesn’t mean that it will always be like this but I have no reason to write about something that doesn’t really interest me anymore. The continent book was a slight rant and vent book to help me take out my negative emotions on unreal characters or put someone in my position and let them see a bit into my fucked up imagination. Ever since my self esteem and confidence has gotten higher, I’m not as dark minded anymore so I have no topics to really write about. I loved the idea for the autumn leaves book but lost all of my chapters and ideas. Which is amazing. I have the first 5 but I don’t feel like copy and pasting all of those. I’m sorry if this inconveniences any of you (it probably won’t, you’ve been waiting since March for my last and final update for continent but I never got around to writing the chapter. Have a nice life ~Cohen


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HELLO! Shit has been going on in my personal life and stopping me from updating. I've also been working on a new story. Which might come out once I finish the first initial chapters. Haven't made any significant progress on Content (thought book) but yeah. I'm 4 chapters in to the new book and once I get the first initial 10, I'll be spacing them out and publishing them on a weekly basis. I don't know if I'll ever get to writing the last 2 chapters of Content (might be only one) but eventually I will get off my lazy ass and get to writing them.
          Hope this update was semi-helpful. I'll be back soon.


Oh yeah and I got ferrets on Saturday, which take up a lot of my free time (cleaning and keeping them entertained) so updates shall be slow. I'll get an official teaser for the book out soon with a date (most likely April) if I work at it a lot and write one chapter every day.