
Hey everyone! If you're seeing this, I'd love you to read this story! It's about the Guardians of the Galaxy from the Marvel universe. If you read it and you like it, be sure to vote for it so I can keep this story going! My main goal is to make an enjoyable experience for the reader. It's a bit hard to do when I'm not very well known, so be sure to share the story with anyone you think will enjoy it. Thanks everyone! -Nina


Hey everyone! If you're seeing this, I'd love you to read this story! It's about the Guardians of the Galaxy from the Marvel universe. If you read it and you like it, be sure to vote for it so I can keep this story going! My main goal is to make an enjoyable experience for the reader. It's a bit hard to do when I'm not very well known, so be sure to share the story with anyone you think will enjoy it. Thanks everyone! -Nina