So, I'm lame and I used to write fanfiction for the Harry Potter fandom (not the gross stuff, and I say used to because I haven't recently, but I might do it in the future). Over the weekend I had two very irritating reviews on my works. One called me sexist because I made the assumption that a family name would end because the family had no sons, without stating that the girls could possibly have sympathetic husbands in the future that would take their maiden name instead. Also, this individual thought it ridiculous that the patriarch of the family would worry about this when the girls are still young. I tried to explain my reasoning with my real life experiences of these two issues but this individual still persisted, and made up her own scenarios where her argument would be appropriate to continue to tell me I was wrong.
The second reviewer decided that she would complain about which house I sorted each character into, and about which characters were friends with each other before announcing that "she shall not read this anymore." I fought off the urge to respond sarcastically with, "However shall I recover from such a crushing blow?" but I didn't.
Despite this issue, I do welcome opinions when I'm given feedback. I also love criticism when it is constructive. However, it's helpful when you tell me what I'm doing right with what I may be doing wrong.
Just a reminder to keep it polite and considerate when giving any sort of feedback to anyone, and if you receive feedback like the examples above, know you aren't alone.