
Attention my beautiful nerds! I'm trying my best to get back into the rhythm of writing on here while working, re-writing one of my novels, and trying to deal with all the craziness in the world right now. Sorry about my hiatus,hopefully I'll continue to put stuff out that you guys enjoy, Happy Pride Month, and if for some reason it's not obvious--black lives matter. Support our beautiful black creators, and if you need anything, just send a message. I'll try my best to respond. Be safe, be kind, and stay beautiful! <3


@MeekoMunroe  hey I been a digimon fan for years


Attention my beautiful nerds! I'm trying my best to get back into the rhythm of writing on here while working, re-writing one of my novels, and trying to deal with all the craziness in the world right now. Sorry about my hiatus,hopefully I'll continue to put stuff out that you guys enjoy, Happy Pride Month, and if for some reason it's not obvious--black lives matter. Support our beautiful black creators, and if you need anything, just send a message. I'll try my best to respond. Be safe, be kind, and stay beautiful! <3


@MeekoMunroe  hey I been a digimon fan for years


Hey my beautiful nerds. I just wanted to thank you all for understanding my need to take some time to my self. I am ever in your debt-each and every one of you. <3 My weekly updates should continue as normal-every weekend-but I wanted to let you guys know that I'm gonna try something new. This week's update won't be Cat Got Your Tongue....but instead a new idea that came to me when I was binge-watching Netflix. So....Hopefully, you all enjoy "When Love Blossoms..."; a brand new Riverdale fanfic focusing on the cutie patootie that is Kevin Keller! The story details will explain any confusion, hopefully...But it's coming at you in a few hours or sooner. Hope you enjoy!


@MeekoMunroe I wanna get to know you


@Bp2kGb Very kind of you.  :)


Hey there, my beautiful nerds. I just wanted to let you know that it's been an intense week for me, so I'm gonna take it easy this weekend. I'll return to my weekly updates next weekend. Until then, stay beautiful and take care of yourselves. <3 


I appreciate that. But I am gonna be just fine. :) Just make sure you enjoy your day and we'll call it even, okay?


@MeekoMunroe I wish there was something I could do to help.


"Cat Got Your Tongue" is so good!!! Thank you for writing it!!! I was just curious if you have a schedule of when you update your stories or do you update it when you get the time to?


@MeekoMunroe I didn't just enjoy it, I loved it!!! I can't wait for next chapter again!!! :)


@Bp2kGb Thank you so much. I'm glad you enjoyed it. I'm really proud of it :)


@MeekoMunroe Ahhhhh the new “Oblivious” chapter!!!!! Oh my goodness!!! Aaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!! It’s so good!!!! 