
New story .. - Into the heart of Magic ♣️


Writing has always been a passion for me.. Being able to write freely and express feelings through books and characters is absolutely amazing... 
          It's more intense and real because you can turn something so simple into something so remarkable!
          I started out on wattpad when I was 12 but I was young and confused and my dream was shut down by "friends" and "family" telling me it's a waste of time...
          They'd never understand the amount of time and hours one could invest in something so amazing... something that takes your mind off the anxiety and depression and for those few moments you feel free....
          Wattpad has always been my go to..  that and episode which is why I find it so important to share my ideas and thoughts... 
          Each character I create portrays something or someone different and so unique in their own ways...
          I'm taking time for my new stories and future ones.. I think it's so important to invest time in something you love and enjoy... 
          I've kept my "identity" hidden because I don't expect glory or praise...
          I write because I love it...
          The thought of being creative and someone enjoying it.. that's enough for me..
          Of course I'd like to grow and expand but if that doesn't happen,I'll continue the way things are because I love what I do... 
          -Mimi Vatori ;)