
A new chapter is up! I'll post on Tumblr later as I have to go somewhere very soon, so I'm crunched on time. Hope y'all enjoy chap 11!!!


Edit: Tumblr post is now up!


Sorry for not posting during May and most of June. I've been writing the next part, but it's becoming too long, and certain plot points are taking longer to construct. I hope to be done by the end of June or early July. I hope to see everyone again soon!✨


The new chapter is still a tad too short for my liking, but is now coming along smoothly! Really REALLY happy with how it's developing.
           Ik I said it'll be out sometime in January, but trust when I say that this chapter has been benefitting from me taking more time to work on it.
          Know that I'm still working on this chapter and that I can't wait to post it. It just needs some more time! I promise it'll be soon tho!


I wanna post Biweekly, and that would be the case, but OH BOY, this chapter is difficult to write!!! I'm coming to a realization that this is my first time writing an action-packed chapter filled with fights and what not, not a minor conflict.
          Just know that the current chapter IS being worked on. Just gonna take longer than anticipated till I'm satisfied with end product. Should be sometime this month. Then I'll try a Biweekly schedule


Jeeeeeez, From Kaiju to Human is really gaining traction again (Thank you guys btw!) I recently saw Godzilla Minus One and it got the creative juices flowing again! I'm currently finishing up my finals, BUT I PROMISE I WILL UPDATE THIS WEEKEND! Comeback season baby❤


*Cough* SometimeThisWeek *Cough*