@AubreyEatsHearts Don't ruin dreams dude, I like to tell myself I will make enough money that I can buy all the shoes I want and wear them whenever :p NO DOCTOR WILL BE AS HOT AS ME K? No, just kidding, I'll be one of those people that wears like kitten heels (GAG) and be complaining by the time I'm 30 lol my arches will have disintegrated by then
Yeah I mean we can, and he really is a good teacher but his questions are complete and utter shit. Like no doubt and our evals are tricky in that they never are like "do you think the testing was fair" it's always like "was the test over material you learned" and stuff that you can't agree with but you're like "we learned it, but not in that phrasing or that specific"
Hopefully, Idk I RARELY am so smitten with a guy when I just meet him (or I like to think so, you're probably like PFFT you love everyone haha) so I want to see him again and get to know him better but I mean it's kind of hard because he goes to college an hour away but plays shows and I don't always have lots of free time, but hopefully there's one soon. He doesn't wear glasses, though God if he did I'd be a goner haha.
Exactly, I feel like last summer I accomplished NOTHING but working my life away so when I wasn't working I was seriously reading or sleeping...I can't remember anything else I did. SEE! That's my problem! I had to wake up at like 6 AM last summer to go for runs because it seriously reaches like 90 degrees here and 99% humidity and it's hell to go out in. You get nosebleeds from the heat?! I just itch really bad and burn so I tend to avoid sunlight at all times lol
Haha I know, well my thing is he's nice to EVERYONE so I am not reading into the Starbucks thing. I have it tomorrow so we shall see if he's there and what the plan in :p
Yes I am, thanks dear. I'm hopped up on antibiotics so I feel amazing compared to last week.