Heyy, I just wanted to ask why did you remove Escorted by hate it was such a fantastic book and i haven’t read it to the end? Or is it just me and i can’t see it? Sorry for bothering but i just wanted to know<3
I hereby declare Escorted by hate on of the most interesting books of all time..Jane? Who's that.. Your work is amazing I must commend.. And I simply love it (✷‿✷)
@thegirlso Haha thank you so much! I don't think they'll be a book two, that was all I ever envisioned for them. I'm hoping to get writing again soon though on something new!
Loved this book....escorted by hate.....just letting you know send the chapters of when she had to go through the trials and the first time she met zander
omg Escorted by Hate!! def loved it♥︎♥︎♥︎btw i also kinda wanna know if you are interested in collaborating w/ us as we are now trying to create a new online readers' community☺︎pllllease let me know your thoughts and have a good day♡♡♡