Okay so... avatar timeline for Lucas, an air bender who can heal by using the subelement of water.
He was born in the Northern Water Tribe to Karynn, water bender, and Mark, a relative to an air bender. Mark is related to an air nomad who escaped with the sky bison before the war started. The air bending was passed down after generation through generation but Mark never knew of his heritage.
After Lucas was born, Mark felt that he was being mistreated by Karynn and ran away with him to Ba Sing Se where he left Lucas. An Earthbender and a firebender couple found him. This couple was Aries and Austin Zaw. Austin would take Lucas to visit his uncle, aunt, and cousin in the Fire Nation.
At age 4, Aires was injured in an accident involving a thief. She died from her injuries.
Age 5, Austin was found by Ba Sing Se soldiers. He was shown to have been burned by a firebender with a message saying that war was coming. This causes his murder to be covered up by the government.
Age 7, Lucas is captured by a hired assassin and given to Div and Aadhish who lived in the Fire Nation and were friends with Ozai. This let's Lucas become friends with Zuko, Azula, Mai, and Ty Lee.
12, Lucas comes out and Azula outs him to his uncle and aunt.
16, Lucas learned of his father's and mother's murders from listening to a military conversation while he was out doing patrol which causes his Uncle to become furious with him and banishes him from the nation
And this is the beginning of his story