
Hello Guys I Just wanna let you know to check out my Fate Cross Series I have a bunch of Plan coming up for that one and also I will also be getting back to the greatest Rapper series so I want you all to Give me Ideas and once I do get your Ideas I will Shout you Out


Hello Guys I Just wanna let you know to check out my Fate Cross Series I have a bunch of Plan coming up for that one and also I will also be getting back to the greatest Rapper series so I want you all to Give me Ideas and once I do get your Ideas I will Shout you Out


Yo I'm Back after Minths of Not Writing and I was thinking of Continue some of my Story that I Created so I want your opinion to see which one I should focus on the most I let you all decide whatever one get the most vote I will take my time and Effort to write more chapters for that story and Hopefully I don't lose Motivation


I recommend the greatest rapper 


@Megalover122 maybe Satan rebirth much more interesting 


Sorry about my Grammer the Auto Correct is pain