I got rid of the 2nd season of Comet the hedgehog. I felt bad not finishing it, so I decided to switch it up. I am going to make a pitch to @notreallyafan15 to include my hedgehog son in her awesome Blaze x Shadow story Crossfire. It has to do with some time travel and I think the story will be great so far. Just know that I plan on writing a little short story on how Comet gets there when they decide to add my character. (Let her cook first though)
LOL you’re too funny!!! Hey I was thinking when I finish the chapter(s) where he makes a cameo I send it to you first so you can check to make sure I got the personality right. Is there some way I can send to you ?
@Megamaniac67 Yeah cause I’m working on it where at first Raven thought she saw I wanna Bens alien and thought it was him. Then told her it wasn’t him until him and the other saw another one like him rampaging through the city