
Hi friends! I wrote this book called 'The Only Exception' and I am super proud of it. The first two chapters are up and I will keep uploading as I edit. It is weird transitioning from writing fanfiction as a kid to writing a book as an adult that I am really proud of and going to work on getting published. It would mean the world if you checked it out.


Hi friends! I wrote this book called 'The Only Exception' and I am super proud of it. The first two chapters are up and I will keep uploading as I edit. It is weird transitioning from writing fanfiction as a kid to writing a book as an adult that I am really proud of and going to work on getting published. It would mean the world if you checked it out.


Hi friends,
          I am back on this app after not being on it for a loooong time haha. I have made a new account where I will be writing stories that are no longer fan fiction! I am in college now and my love for writing has only grown which makes me want to take it more seriously. If you would like to follow me and read my new stories, my username is @megantfernandez !


@ Megan-Mila  ok


Okok PTSD hit 100k reads! AHHH! 
          I cannot thank you guys enough for always reading my stories, voting for them, and leaving hilarious comments. It means the world to me. The fact that my first book is at over 200k reads now and you've gotten the sequel to 100k... like that's insane. Thank you so so much. ❤️