
Who published two chapters in four days? That's right, me! Both chapters are for Star Trek: Academy. Hope you enjoy!


And there we have it folks, all three deleted chapters from Star Trek: Pike's. Fate has been uploaded. Are they the same? No! But they are close enough and I like them, perhaps even more than before. Whoop whoop!!


@terling2021 hope you enjoy it!


@Megan5897 Awesome! Can't wait to read!


Just as a heads up, if you were reading Star Trek: Pikes Fate and only see 1 chapter posted and think it's wrong, it's not. I was rearranging chapters and ended up deleting the wrong ones, so chapters labelled: Lieutenant Kristen Lee-Pike, Enterprise and Alerts will be reposted and rewritten in the next few days. Welcome to me being sick and tired and having the motivation to rearrange chapters. I moved chapters labelled: Firat Day Jitters and Charlotte Magno to a new book called Star Trek: Academy. 
          Enjoy my misery of rewriting chapters I wrote nearly a year ago. (Good thing I read my own work)


@A_R_Mitchell I actually pre-write all my chapters on google docs but that’s usually thoughts on dialogue, how the chapter will progress and half written thoughts. Thank you for the recommendation for a Zoho Notebook, I’ll give it a go!!


@Megan5897 - do you only use Wattpad as your writing place? I back up my files on my tech and have a fondness for a free app called Zoho Notebook. Here's a review if you're interested.