hey everybody! I'm alive, who would have thought!? *lowers head in shame* I know that I have not been active and on top of updating in pretty much forever, so sorry for that. Its not even that i'm busy its just been my lack of inspiration. In other words I have a serious case of writers block, and the worst thing about it I cant take any medication for a cure! its frustrating for not only me but for you as well... What I was thinking, however, is I have writers block, but only when it comes to IAHOB....soooooo maybe I should take a big long break from that story for a while and start up something new! I recently have had a lot of new ideas for other storylines and characters, therefore, I thought starting up something new and something I can relate to more might be the right direction to set myself along. What do you think? let me know, but soon I will be starting something new, and I will be doing this in hopes that it leads me to some new inspiration to finish IAHOB. have a great day wherever you are! :)