
All books will be re-uploaded in the next hour or so. I got tired of them being unpublished lmaoo! Um yea probably won’t be doing that again if I can help it :)


Okay I know I’ve been slacking on my updates but I do plan to give y’all a lot!!! I just want to finish up two of these books first before I really jump back into updating. I feel like that should only take me a few days since I’m now a bit more motivated, but we’ll see.
          The next updates will for sure be ‘No Way Out’ and ‘Belong With You’ and then I’ll go into the others. 
          Also I would like to know what topics would y’all prefer I explain a bit more in certain stories?


In Belong to You, I want Beyonce and Megan to end up together. I also wouldn't mind Victoria, Megan, and Beyonce end up together 


Take your time boo
            And for Frequent Touch
            Why is the baby growing in Megan making Beyonce crazy
            And in Shattered 
            What happened between Vic and Beyonce 
            And why is Beyonce so obsessed with Megan now 
            And how do she think trying to bully Megan is going to make her like her
            And how did she get an all girls school with a dick and no one knows about it
            Also in Belong to you
            Will Megan ever be able to just happily live her life and happily marry Vic without Bey and Jay crazy obsession over her 
            I mean is her life gonna end up in danger because of them 
            And in No way out
            Will Alyssa be added to the thropple 
            And how long will it last before someone gets jealous or what if both Megan and Beyonce decides they just want each other 
            Or will he marry all 3 and then give him babies 
            Ok that’s it for now 


I just updated ‘Belong With You’. I’m conflicted on what I should update next? I’m kind of working on ‘Your Frequent Touch’ because that was supposed to be done for Halloween but I could not figure out where to go with it, I’m still struggling a bit but we’ll see? What would y’all prefer next though? 


You know I want Shattered. 


Which story do y’all want posted first? I’m conficted… Also kinda nervous about the next 3 chapters of No Way Out!!


@Zenslanga Oop that means No Way Out is doing her job ain’t it?


I have quite a few new book ideas I want to put out. I'm trying to finish up 'No Way Out' and 'Your Frequent Touch' first but I don't know I really want to put two of the other books out anyway, so I’m conflicted. What do y’all think? 


@MeganTSCum Well I’m already excited about the new book and can’t wait to see what journey it’s me on and that is actually a better way because you can free up some time without overdoing it with the writing 


@TLCMTB1992 You’re right though I already posted one chapter of the new one I think I might update it a little more but ultimately focus on ‘No Way Out’ since it’s so close to being done 


As long as you’re not overwhelmed with writing them and updating 
            Then I’m definitely all for it