
Please follow Kirby because you know you wanna XD jk you don't have to duh


Heyo this is Kirby
          I have my new opinions now yeah this is cringe I cant delete the book since idk my password for this account so hah cant delete that yeah it was cringe but I've allowed myself to have different opinions than my abuser ^.^


@PrinceKirby134 also if you need to know my pronouns I use they/he (preferably they/them atm)


Hello! As an omnisexual who has been sworn to growing up Christian  since birth, please do not tell others that being lgbtq is a sin, it really stings and you should always love one another I matter what they have done. If you are truly devoted to Christ any you’d know that you should always love thy neighbor. Now, I’m not saying that your opinions aren’t valid or they are a sin that’s would make me just as bad, but I really do hope everyone could just be loved equally! 
          -Kind regards, A/n 


I’m glad to hear! And I fully support you ♡ 


@mukur0simp @RedAssasin08 hey this is me now I'm trans and gay this was awhile ago dont worry I've changed a lot I haven't been on this account in ages ^.^


@RedAssasin08 hey this is me now I'm trans and gay this was awhile ago dont worry I've changed a lot I haven't been on this account in ages ^.^


It’s honestly disappointing that a fellow LDS person is this homo/transphobic.


@SkallrianWolf to be fair I'll admit I have changed a lot, aka I'm now figured that I'm trans and bisexual


Ok this will vary so if you want to know what to all me idc actually I don't mind if you call me Kirby I don't mind if you call me Kirsten because I will forget to update so you want to call me Kirby? Ok that's want to call me Kirsten? That's cool. Etc I just rather go by he/him or she/her you choose XD


Smol rant
          My friend kinda made me question my gender so I was doing quizzes and one was for if I'm trans and it had clothes options for lile my types of clothes I prefer to wear. I would maybe prefer guy clothes but I strongly prefer both types of male amd female clothes so it was frustrating kinda to me because there wasn't an inbetween answer i can assume why but still. Also one quiz I got trans but tied with three other genders XD/expressions or whatever that is my luck


@Megan_Evans134're talking about crossdressing, though in this case it's not really since girls can really wear anything. Also I know this was a year ago, just wanted to know if I had the right transphobic bish :)