OKAY HI! It’s been a minuet hasn’t it? Wellll, I’m putting That Fateful Day on a hiatus of some sort since it hasn’t gotten much love. Sorta sad but it’s all good! I’m actually trying something different this time around and not going for a vampire story this time. But it’s a cute little story, it’s a little cliche but I love it so far. Sorry for disappearing a lot, my life went downhill then got better then went even further downhill but I’m working on getting back up there. I keep getting notifications about people voting for my first book and commenting, I am so thankful for that. Let me know if I should rewrite it and fix all of my stupid mistakes to make it easier to understand! I was just a weirdo 13 year old who didn’t know how to spell. Heheh, but yeah let me know if you guys want that too. But I am writing a new one, my love for writing is coming back and ideas are popping up out of nowhere. So hopefully you’ll show that one even more love then you guys have shown my first book. Again, sorry for all the disappearing acts. I love you guys so much and keep on voting for it. I promise it makes my day so much better!