
So im still working hard. But i unfortunately do not have any days off of work coming up in the next 2 weeks. Maybe monday but doubtful. 
          	I will keep everyone posted


Update beyond pls


@NeneExo_l posted! Hope for another chapter soon


I really wish you will l love your story ❤️


@NeneExo_l actually wrote a full chapter today  i had today off thankfully  if i have tomorrow off i am gonna try and post one chapter  


this message may be offensive
I am so sorry. Shit has been crazy
          I got engaged in december
          Got married in April
           And now im in the process of moving in August. 
          Im switching from overnights at work to days too
          I have some stuff written and been tweaking it when i have time and inspiration 
          I am soo sorry!!!


Beyond has beeb updated. Im so sorry for the delay! Lifehas been crazy busy
          Also im thinking of working on fate is only twice soon. I have some stuff written for the next part from ages ago but i wasn't happy with it enough to post still really stuck at where i have let the story rest. I feel awful about it. I really do. With the release of hoziers new songs. Im hoping to find some inspiration


Quick update!!! Im still here. Been busy between moving and trying to get settled in. I have written bits and pieces here and there. Im hoping now that my work week has started i can get chapter 7 out this weekend. Stay tuned!
          You can follow me on tumblr @ Hiddlebatchedloki.