So im still working hard. But i unfortunately do not have any days off of work coming up in the next 2 weeks. Maybe monday but doubtful.
I will keep everyone posted
So im still working hard. But i unfortunately do not have any days off of work coming up in the next 2 weeks. Maybe monday but doubtful.
I will keep everyone posted
I am so sorry. Shit has been crazy
I got engaged in december
Got married in April
And now im in the process of moving in August.
Im switching from overnights at work to days too
I have some stuff written and been tweaking it when i have time and inspiration
I am soo sorry!!!
I'm still here. Been busy dealing with piles of stress. Stuck with writers block the last few weeks which makes me even more stressed. I haven't abandoned it
I AM STILL ALIVE! Been busy and writers block is shit when you have ideas and no idea on how to make them into part of the story. Im still here working diligently.
Beyond has beeb updated. Im so sorry for the delay! Lifehas been crazy busy
Also im thinking of working on fate is only twice soon. I have some stuff written for the next part from ages ago but i wasn't happy with it enough to post still really stuck at where i have let the story rest. I feel awful about it. I really do. With the release of hoziers new songs. Im hoping to find some inspiration
Quick update!!! Im still here. Been busy between moving and trying to get settled in. I have written bits and pieces here and there. Im hoping now that my work week has started i can get chapter 7 out this weekend. Stay tuned!
You can follow me on tumblr @ Hiddlebatchedloki.