
i just noticed i updated my book with chris redfield as my guest when if i am correct resident evil 8 dropped like bruh coincidence? I THINK NO—


N e r d


future me whos reading this


eyy we just hitted 269 followers, nice but i'm having a time in my life rn since vent warning but my aunt and uncle just lost there jobs and then i get the news that a friend of mine passed away so srry for being offline alot i'm just dealing with grief right now...


vulgular language coming your way so if you're sensitive to that stuff please don't read this rant.
          ok, wattpad wtf man why did you add this 'offline' thing when i could have read so many stories without them being online which was more than three and it makes my head hurt when i try to look for a story since now my 300+ stories are jumbled up into to two straight lines of stories like why? i mean it takes only a small part of our storage now but still i'd rather have my old library since it's less of a headache since i've had this app for almost 2 years now and this is the second time i 'complained' about something you did, this just makes me want to not use the app anymore smh.