
@ShadowScar00 Aww, I could talk a long time 2!!! :) Harry Potter is just that awesome!! And i defo agree, it's nice to have another pothead to talk to! :) 


'Now, you two – this year, you behave yourselves. If I get one more owl telling me you've – you've blown up a toilet or –'
          'Blown up a toilet? We've never blown up a toilet.'
          'Great idea though, thanks, Mum.' (I like that 1!!)


Haha!! That's so cool! I don't think i've quite got the whole of a book memorised but i can defo remember sections! I love Harry Potter! I'll never read it or watch it too many times!! :) U clearly were a pothead 2!! I like that! And rangers apprentice? What's that about?! I've never heard of it before?! Hope i'm not being stupid.....! :D