
I'm feeling another double upload on the 9th General just because I'm writing a whole lot~ but if I need to chill out, let me know and I'll hold off posting the next chapter until tomorrow or something, lol ^^


@MeiNyx Ahh, I'm glad you're enjoying the story! And I'm relieved that you like her!  when I first started writing, I hated her but I think I've got her pretty figured out now hehe~


@MeiNyx I'm always looking forward to them author-san!!!  I just love Toni so much! Her character, everything about her!  sinbadxtoni yeahhh! 


IT'S 2020 and i hope you're ok, let us know more about the ninth general soon and i hope you'll comeback and doing great ❤ 


@ChaLuvmi WOW HELLO~! I've been thinking about this site so much lately and I remembered to log in today. There's so much I want to do and upgrade but I feel like my writing is very rusty with almost no improvement ;v; But I do have things in store for Magi!!


just letting you know that---
          i'm not even active here but i had to comment hOW DARE YOU
          HOW DARE YOU SAY YOU CAN'T WRITE RAUNCHY HARDCORE EXTRA CRISPY SMUT when you have those two last magi oneshots!!
          i'm just ksjsksjsjsksj you inspired me to attempt writing again tHANK YOU


@bellamortexxx  o m g , so late seeing this but I'msohappy- THANK YoU FOR READING SKDLJFKDLSJG


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