Hi guys, Author here and... sorry if I haven't updated my stories that much. I'm so busy with school, plus I'm currently trying to make good drawings. That's why I'm mass uploading my art book (srsly I'm currently on 54 chapters), but I think it's paying off( I found a new style). Also I didn't realise how hard to write a battle on Pokémon, plus I dunno if Niere's battles will take too much space. Plus on "I want to know what love is"( long title I know) I'm getting story block. Lastly I'm getting so much ideas for new stories (possibly comics too) and did you freaking see the latest episode op Haikyuu!! season 3?! A lot been happening (e.x.: getting sick for 2½days). Hope your doind better than me. Sick Author Signing Out /(~∆~)/

@Meirie_the_writer I love your story about the Pokemon performer! I was inspired by it to make my own story... But it seem that you are going through a lot... Please continue, it's ok if you don't want to, not to rush you but I am exited what will happen next! And your drawings, they improve better than I do! I can wait till I die for updates! I hope that you read this message, I don't want to lose another writer, who write a story that I love to read...