Hello fans! I'm so sorry I haven't uploaded in so long, but I've barely had time to write at all. I still haven't even started the next chapter to 'Butterflies'. I'm in my last year of secondary school (or high school) now, and in June I'll be sitting my Leaving Cert (I'm not explaining what that is - just google it, or bing it) Anyway, I've been getting mountains and mountains of homework every single night, and I've been working all day in school too, so, as you can probably all imagine, I am exhausted. I don't even know how my eyes are still open to write this. I'm sorry for all the moaning and groaning, but this is just the reason why I seemed to have fallen off the face of the earth over the past couple of weeks. Don't worry, though, I'm still alive. I just have no energy or time to write anymore. Soon enough the teachers will stop piling on the homework, though, (fingers crossed) and then I'll be able to upload and upload and upload. Anyway, goodbye for now! Hope you're all enjoying school/college! :D