
There’s a new chapter up of “The Path Not Taken” and I’d love your feedback!
          	 #keepreading ❤️


Hello all and welcome to my little corner of the literary internet! I have always loved to read and write and my plan was always to complete at least one novel in my lifetime. 
          I graduated with a degree in English (Writing) 22 years ago, but not long after, writer’s block struck and the real world full of bills and the need for health insurance followed shortly after.
          I have tried many times unsuccessfully over the years to start and stick to a storyline, I’ve journaled and I’ve blogged but my promise to myself and New Year’s resolution is to see it through, the good and the bad this year.
          I hope you like what I’ve written, but more than that, I hope you’ll provide feedback and constructive criticism to keep me going when I hit a slump, which I inevitably will.
          Thank you for reading!