
Please do not ask me to re write chapters so they fit your liking. The story is done and many people re read it often. Out of respect for them I’ll keep the chapters as they are 


Jesus loves all.He died for all our sins.He wantsall to try to stop sinning( he will help you).He is the only way to heaven. To get to heaven you must believe in Jesus Christ and what he did we are all sinners. God sent his son Jesus to die for our sins because he loves us. IntheBible, it says “If you declare with your mouth,“Jesus is Lord,” and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.”Romans‬ ‭10‬:‭9‬ ‭NIV


English is not my native language. So I can't read your story. But I'm very curious. Wattpad stories are not translated from Google translate. please upload your story to fanfiction or AO3 and I can translate and read it in my language.


hello how are you? ıs there any news from ao3? I haven't forgotten and I want to read Redemption.


Oh I didn’t know! I’ll have a look at AO3 


Hi author-chan i just finished reading Redemption and i cant thank you enough for giving us such a masterpiece. Im a huge sasusaku shipper and im glad that i got to know more of Sasusaku through your writing. You made me understand their relationship more deeply, u showed us their intimate moments, their flaws and the way they compliment each other. Im bad with words(just like mr uchiha) so im gonna stop here. Again i thank you from the bottom of my heart ❤️  


This is so sweet thank you so much  I love when people give me a feedback on the story and I’m so happy you enjoyed it so much! This story was made during the first quarantine we got to change people’s mind and help them escape from the harsh reality. If it continues to do that I am very glad 


I first read Redemption maybe about 6 months ago? Just started reading it again, and forgot how much I love this story! I always love reading different takes on what happened between Saskue and Sakura during the blank period, and enjoy the slow burn. It sure fits with both their characters. Also, fellow ARMY here. Always up to talk about my favorite 7 human beings! 


Oh hiiiiii I never get notifications for these posts for some reason  thank you so much for posting it!!! Thank you for reading my story and hope you’ll enjoy Jimin ost coming soon 