
Hey everyone, it’s been a while. In fact, it’s been about seven months-
          	I just wanted to give an update about my current status. Life’s been hectic, even though I’m on summer break. I’ve been studying for a couple major exams that are important for my college applications, and I’ve been working on my original novel in my spare time. It’s coming along nicely. However, it’ll likely not be ready for publication until around December. So, it’s still going to be a while. But, I really hope y’all give it a read when it does come out! 
          	On another note, I sorta miss writing TMF fanfics, and with TMF coming to a close after the finale episode, I’ll maybe write another one. It’ll likely come out of nowhere if I do. 
          	Anyhow, that’s about it. Hope y’all have a great day! Be a Zander, stay fabulous~ 
          	P.S. Anyone interested in sharing their theories about the TMF finale (I heard it’s supposed to be like 50 minutes long, so anything can happen)? The 9th episode caught me super off guard, I honestly don’t know what to expect lol


@Mel_High_Sierra WOWHIMELHOW'S


@Mel_High_Sierra ahhh Welcome back!  Genuinely can't say I have a theory but i'll take a leap;  more than likely the club won't forgive jake till the last moment, right when the concert begins and hailey chokes because of her stage fright.  Thenn I have no cue what may happen.  It's nice to see you back, take your time with those exams, they're important! Any clue what college you wanna go to?


@Mel_High_Sierra All I can guess is there's going to be a big jomies fight. Which breaks my heart bc I love them. I also think there possibly may be Melliot and Daisy and Sean(I forgot the ship name lol). Also welcome back! Good luck with you exams for college and your story. Also I'm scared of what might happen in tmf


Hey everyone, it’s been a while. In fact, it’s been about seven months-
          I just wanted to give an update about my current status. Life’s been hectic, even though I’m on summer break. I’ve been studying for a couple major exams that are important for my college applications, and I’ve been working on my original novel in my spare time. It’s coming along nicely. However, it’ll likely not be ready for publication until around December. So, it’s still going to be a while. But, I really hope y’all give it a read when it does come out! 
          On another note, I sorta miss writing TMF fanfics, and with TMF coming to a close after the finale episode, I’ll maybe write another one. It’ll likely come out of nowhere if I do. 
          Anyhow, that’s about it. Hope y’all have a great day! Be a Zander, stay fabulous~ 
          P.S. Anyone interested in sharing their theories about the TMF finale (I heard it’s supposed to be like 50 minutes long, so anything can happen)? The 9th episode caught me super off guard, I honestly don’t know what to expect lol


@Mel_High_Sierra WOWHIMELHOW'S


@Mel_High_Sierra ahhh Welcome back!  Genuinely can't say I have a theory but i'll take a leap;  more than likely the club won't forgive jake till the last moment, right when the concert begins and hailey chokes because of her stage fright.  Thenn I have no cue what may happen.  It's nice to see you back, take your time with those exams, they're important! Any clue what college you wanna go to?


@Mel_High_Sierra All I can guess is there's going to be a big jomies fight. Which breaks my heart bc I love them. I also think there possibly may be Melliot and Daisy and Sean(I forgot the ship name lol). Also welcome back! Good luck with you exams for college and your story. Also I'm scared of what might happen in tmf


Hi! It's been a really long time since we have talked and I kind of died lol but I just wanted to say hello after all of this time I am lot more mature I swear I am different: \ but I'm really happy to see you again hope to catch you around!


Got it :D nice to see again!


@FandomFan2008 Hi! Nice to hear from you! I’m a bit busy at the moment, but once my schedule clears up a bit, it’d be nice to catch up. See ya around :)


Hi @Mel_High_Sierra, I noticed that you've added my book, 'Reyna Lopez: The Beginning of Adventure' to your reading list 'Other Stories' multiple times. May I know if there's an issue with my book such that it disappears from reading lists after a while? If there's a problem, do let me know yea! Thanks <3 @BuffyReads_08


@BuffyReads_08 Oh no, there’s been some malfunctions with my system recently (likely my device) so don’t worry, I don’t believe there’s an issue with your book. 


Hey y’all, it’s Mel, and I have an announcement regarding future content.
          Ever since in-person schooling started up for me again, I’ve become pretty stressed, it’s not a new feeling to anyone or even myself. I was doing a bit of planning for future fanfics during this time and I realized how unmotivated I was to actually write them. Plus with schoolwork always being my number one priority, along with the workload this year being even more than last year, as of now, I will no longer be writing TMF Fanfiction. I’m still a huge fan of the series and I still support Rosyclozy 100%, but I feel I need to take a step back from making fanfiction to concentrate on my priorities more. However, I have another special announcement that hopefully makes up for the bad news. 
          I plan on releasing some original stories in 2022! This was something I’ve been planning for the past year. I wrote my first original novel back in March of 2020 during my time in quarantine. I didn’t have anything to do, I utterly was bored, and it gave me a chance to finally embrace my more creative side. It was how I began pursuing writing as my main hobby, and I’ve improved a lot since then, especially during my time writing fanfiction, so I’m definitely very grateful for TMF for helping me improve. So, I started rewriting my first book recently because I feel that I can do way better, especially now, and my motivation for it has skyrocketed. 
          I’m really sorry if you stuck around for the TMF content, and who knows? Perhaps I’ll jump back into writing TMF content in the future. But I really hope you stick around anyways! I’m super excited to show you guys my original characters and the stories I have in store. Anyhow, that’s all I wanted to say! Thank you so much for the support you all have given me, be a Zander, stay fabulous~


@Mel_High_Sierra oh my stars, I'm so excited!! of course, make sure to take care of yourself, Mel, and I hope f2f classes will go well for you <3 you're a smart, creative, and awesome person, and if this is the choice you wanna do, then I'll be here cheering you on!


I want you to know your an amazing person if I don't get this back I understand
          But I (and this is a challenge as a whole) have a game for you
          Once you read this message you must send it to 15 other people including me.
          If you get at least three back you are loved
          (If not you're still loved by me, we don't discourage nobody knows how important something is until they lose someone here)
          Tonight at 11:59 they person you love the most will realize they love you
          Then at 1:00-2:00 be ready for the biggest shock of ur life. If u break this chain you will have bad luck
          With love send this to 15 people if you don't you will turn ugly (in other people idiotic eyes cause you'll always be beautiful) for one year
          sorry qwq
          (Disclaimer, this is not mine, I found this on a fellow Wattpader  (Is that wot u call it?) Page, and decided to share it!)


So uH, I thought I’d be able to finish The Pink-Haired Hood by the end of this month, however, my wonderful school thought it would be funny to assign summer homework for students that will be taking advanced math classes next school year. So that’s been my main focus sadly :,( 
          I’m hoping I can finish this fanfic by the end of the summer in that case. On that note, ch.9 is on it’s way, and that’s all from me. Have a great day everyone!


@Melsierralee school is funny that way 


@Melsierralee Hope you're doing well with your schoolwork! And ofc /try/ to have a nice summer while you're at it :)


Hope u have a great summer after that homework 


After six, painstakingly long weeks, chapter 6 of The Pink-Haired Hood is finally out! I’m so sorry for those who waited so long for it, I really hope it was worth the wait. And it’s around 5k words, so it’s a l o n g chapter lol
          Anyhow, have a great day everyone <3


@Melsierralee hi I'm gonna read it tomorrow cuz it's late-


@Melsierralee WOOH! 5k words? D a n g, Mel