There's a part in the DU doc talking about a certain "Charlotte /Lucky" person idk
And in that part there's a paragraph that says that Unpredictable, Emotionless and Scary day are pedos.
I gotta agree on Unpredictable, not sure for Emotionless, but Scary???
Like? What? Where the hell did they get that from?
Literally never heard about Scary even being problematic in any ways and no one has never talked about.
I never heard someone in the entire community say that he was problematic, asked some friends about it, some that were in the community for already quite a long time and even them were completely clueless about that.
Accusing someone of being a pedo is some serious stuff so they better have some solid proofs or else I'm not believing that at all (If they even have proofs in the first place).
Also, does anyone knows who that Charlotte person is? They're not even an admin so I don't know why they got her in the doc since it's supposed to be for admins only.