
As the Open Novella Contest is an opportunity to venture into new stuff, this marshmallow is deviating from her usual mystery stories and trying her hand at an innocent high school story without murder.
          	I present 'Moonrise!' It's a romantic comedy about a broken-hearted high school boy who's trying his very best not to fall in love again. Not especially with his friend. Nope, he CANNOT ruin their friendship.
          	Or can he? Hmm...
          	I'm really excited to dive into this one, and even more excited to share it with y'all!


@Annnn914 Thanks for reading and supporting <33 and true, contemporary romance is just cozy and less gore-y xD


@MelancholyMallow writing something that is non-mystery and non-murder related? LA GASP. BUT~~ I'm so excited to see you delve into something new and cozy! At least there's less room for deaths and tears mwehehehe


@wildx22 Happy to see you in the contest, too! Best of luck ❣️


As the Open Novella Contest is an opportunity to venture into new stuff, this marshmallow is deviating from her usual mystery stories and trying her hand at an innocent high school story without murder.
          I present 'Moonrise!' It's a romantic comedy about a broken-hearted high school boy who's trying his very best not to fall in love again. Not especially with his friend. Nope, he CANNOT ruin their friendship.
          Or can he? Hmm...
          I'm really excited to dive into this one, and even more excited to share it with y'all!


@Annnn914 Thanks for reading and supporting <33 and true, contemporary romance is just cozy and less gore-y xD


@MelancholyMallow writing something that is non-mystery and non-murder related? LA GASP. BUT~~ I'm so excited to see you delve into something new and cozy! At least there's less room for deaths and tears mwehehehe


@wildx22 Happy to see you in the contest, too! Best of luck ❣️


I don't know about you but it's 11:45 pm in my place xD 
          I'm writing to let y'all know that I'm going on a hiatus (as if I haven't been doing just that for a couple of months now — this is just a formality). I'm loving the school I'm in right now, and I've set academic goals for myself. I'm also juggling an unworldly ton of extra-curriculars, all of which I love though!
          That being said, writing and reading, unfortunately, aren't my topmost priorities right now. I'm hoping to come back to read y'all's works and post the stuff I wrote over the summer break but I can't make any promises as of now.
          In the meantime, this marshmallow is going to poof into the horizon. I wish you all the best and sending virtual hugs ❣️ Stay safe, everyone!


@Annnn914 and why are you awake at 3 am? xD Thank you and same goes for you ❣️


@MelancholyMallow Late reply, but take care! Do well in school and focus on your more urgent and more important tasks first. You can always fall back on writing at your pace!


Whew, finally got around to repost the novel-length version of @Annnn914 and my ONC entry, "Creciente." Took me only four months xD
          It's a story about two estranged childhood friends who meet again years later. Despite the betrayal that broke them apart in the past, they team up against the fearsome criminal organization that destroyed both of their lives, Bakunawa. But their only chance of defeating the organization is to journey to a ruined, forbidden land guarded by Bakunawa itself. With only a fragile thread of trust and a common goal keeping them together, will they take Bakunawa down, or will their past break them further apart?
          Read to find out!


When I saw that your book was not on the Shortlist I was so so so sad ❤️❤️❤️  
          But don't worry, you owe it to your amazing characters to keep writing! Wattys are around the corner so expand <3


@EvelynHail Thank you so much for taking time to say these encouraging words! It's greatly appreciated ❣️ I was expecting Dana and Max to be on the shortlist but oh, well... :') I also wish you the best with your entry! If you plan to join, I hope to see you in the Wattys! Sending virtual hugs ✨


Aaaand with that, 'Creciente' is dooone! *screeches* 
          I swear the epilogue is real this time xD 
          @Annnn914 and I thank each and everyone who has given our entry a try! ❣ To the ONC participants out there, wishing you the best of luck and know that you're amazing for being able to come up with a novella starting with one eensy-weensy prompt/idea!
          Good morning, good afternoon and good night, whichever the case is in your corner of this world! Have a great day/night!


@Annnn914 I had so much fun writing with you :D Here's to future collabs (cheers!) Looking forward to your WIPs too! ❣️


@MelancholyMallow it was a blast working with you! I look forward to our next collabs and/ or reading more of your works ^^ God bless, and may all of our pockets be filled with an abundance of readers' tears and characters' blood!


Mondays are cursed but this Monday is a bit special because @Annnn914 and I have written a chapter focused on a side character, our dear birdbrain spy, Alessandro Aurelio! In the latest update, we get a field trip through his backstory so what are you waiting for? Read on to see the pain hiding behind that charming smile of his :')


@MelancholyMallow *sips blood and tears*


Hi! Popped in to say I'm still alive. I've been inactive for... *calculates* a month? Two months? Ay, no, math is so hard. 
          Anyways, I think I'll still be inactive, unfortunately, for the next few months because senior high school is kicking me in the gut. I'll *try* to catch up with y'alls works but sorry, no promises for now :')
          I'm only active with my ONC work and the comments there but other than that, let's just wish for an academic break to grace me.
          I hope to catch up with my reading list soon and best of luck to the ONC participants! ✨ To everyone else, I wish you a happy day! ❣️


@EmilyMorgans Thank you and I wish you well with your writing! And life, pretty much xD I hope to binge Rain and Marcus trying to get stuff together soon! ✨


Sometimes life just likes to kick us in the… anything, really. Hope all goes well and good luck on your ONC! 


@MelancholyMallow Thanks so much! I've got two up (Heaven and Aliki in Wonderland). I'm going to continue Heaven for now because I realized I don't have enough time to finish both. Yikes!



Hey, hey! Look who's joining the ONC despite being stuck in a torture chamber called school? A science-loving brain cell and this marshmallow, aaaaayyyeeee!
          I'm so excited to enter this year with the violin-shattering, poetic and wonderful @Annnn914! A dear friend, chemistry geek and a fellow aspiring author :DD
          Together, we came up with a mystery-filled story with a tinge of fantasy, ‘Creciente,’ which follows a man who greatly resembled an executed lawyer and a spy trapped in a path she wished to escape. Both uncover truths by embarking on a deadly journey through a haunted shop that claimed and destroyed the lives of those who dared to enter.
          Or two emotionally constipated childhood friends try to get a grip on themselves as they try not to get confused with the shenanigans the authors are putting them through.
          Here's the blurb:
          'Thou shalt not set foot at the tail of the Ordinizan Market Trail.'
          That was the unwritten rule amongst the people who walked across the three alcázars: Balequia, Rilveria, and Ordiniza. For a haunted, unnamed store laid at the end of the trail - a doorway to the fallen alcazar, Solis.
          The fearless few who dared the unthinkable trip returned deranged, or worse, never returned at all.
          Alas, the cursed store was also the only path that led to the answers Ramiro Balequia sought for - the truth about his brother's death, leaving him at the mercy of the last face he wanted to see.  
          Solana Magayon. Rank: FANG. Code Name: COBRA. Indio. Assassin. A girl with a hunger for freedom.
          Ramiro had once thought of her as a dear childhood friend until she nearly took his life. But to unravel the mysteries that plagued the past and the present, they had to find a way to work together without tearing each other down. 
          Nothing could have prepared them for the truths that were bound to be unburied. After all, a promise of nightmares awaited those who dare set foot in the forbidden store.


@binibiningmimi06 Thank you! And I support your torturing- writing, ahem, I meant writing :D


@binibiningmimi06 thanks for the support, dear flesh (hOOOO~). I also thank you on behalf of @MelancholyMallow wieee, we hope you'll like the rest of Creciente too!


@Annnn914 THAT'S MY FLESH!!!!! TRULY AN ASPIRING GLORIFIED TORTURER- ERR... I MEAN, WRITER!!! Also, looking forward to the rest of "Creciente"! :D