
Hi readers! Just stopping by to apologise for the delay and let you know that Chapter eight is now released! Don't forget to leave your votes and comments! Thank you all for reading and being so patient with me whilst I work through the bumps in this new chapter of my life 


Hi readers! Just stopping by to apologise for the delay and let you know that Chapter eight is now released! Don't forget to leave your votes and comments! Thank you all for reading and being so patient with me whilst I work through the bumps in this new chapter of my life 


Just curious as to when we can expect a new update? Eager to see what happens next.


@Leeenster hi, thanks for asking. I've just published chapter eight and am working on more. 


Melanie; I have a small problem, I cannot get the updated chapter! I believe its chapter 7. Is it just me or is this happening to others? What should i do?


@Melanie-JaneStories thanks for letting us know. I've just finished reading it. Can't wait to see what Mr Cambridge will teach 


@SidoniaSydney @ShannonFigg please accept my apologies for the confusion. I fell asleep on the train whilst editing, and accidentally hit the publish button before it was ready. I thought I had been quick enough to catch it, but obviously not.
            Chapter 7 is now released though. Again, I apologise for the confusion ❤


@ShannonFigg I can't open it either. Failed to load 


Good morning. I want to extend a warm welcome to all my new followers. If anyone is unaware, you can also follow me on Instagram under the same name.
          I'm aware I have been somewhat absent for a while, and I apologise for this. Unfortunately, I have experienced an unexpected bump in the road that is my private life, and was unable to move forward with any of my writing.
          I am slowly beginning to ease back into it, and have edited the next chapter ready to release in the next day or two. 
          I want to thank you all for your patience from the bottom of my heart. I hope I can get back to giving you all chapters as often as I can.
          Lots of love, Melanie-Janestories ❤