Hi everyone!
How are you guys and gals doing? 2020 has been tough but we survived, so far! *huge applause*
I just wanted to pop in. Say hi. Say thank you. To everyone who has commented, voted and read any of my stories. Thank you to my new followers for choosing to follow me. I'm honoured, on all accounts.
I hope everyone had a wonderful, merry and blessed Christmas! May the approaching New Year be one that is filled with an abundance of writing willpower, ideas, good health, some form of normality, blessings and happiness.
I hope to return in full when 2021 is in swing. I have been editing BS&L and I'm planning on continuing my edits and finishing WK in 2021. This year has been tough as nails for many of us, and I still have quite a few bumps waiting on me in January. If its not painting that's distracting me, its been my weak health. I hope in 2021 things will look up. For my plans to finish WK and to completely edit BS&L. And maybe even upload a book I've been working on, off Wattpad °○°
Thank you for all the support you've showed me. I appreciate so much!
Happy New Year!