After thinking about it (and taking down Interminable), I came to the conclusion that I was depressed because I couldn't write, amongst other things, and couldn't write because I'm depressed, SO... I'm gonna push through it the best way I know how. I'm gonna write multiple stories at once, which means I'm gonna be working quadruple times as much.
So, I'll either be posting Interminable on the same two days and fit my other stories in on the other days of the week (maybe with consistent biweekly updates,) or I'll change my updating schedule entirely.
I also have to decide which ones I'm going to put out, because I have a whole list of stories to write, but two in particular are really screaming at me to be written, so... we'll just have to see what I go with.
Also, I won't be posting on the 25th because I have two exams so maybe Friday or maybe the week after.