
Hi everybody!! I know it it's been 7 months since i have been on wattpad but I had a lot to do really and I don't know time flew without me knowing it. But everything is alright i posted a new chapter of my story( a very long chapter ) and i will try to post regularly  from now on, though i can't say on wich timebasis i will do it coz i don't know but i will defenitly continue wrighting till the story ends. also pls tell me wich story i could read right now( it can be your own story or someone elses) but i want to read and i'll be sure to leave a comment and a vote, but don't forget to vote for my story and comment it please thank you


Hi everybody!! I know it it's been 7 months since i have been on wattpad but I had a lot to do really and I don't know time flew without me knowing it. But everything is alright i posted a new chapter of my story( a very long chapter ) and i will try to post regularly  from now on, though i can't say on wich timebasis i will do it coz i don't know but i will defenitly continue wrighting till the story ends. also pls tell me wich story i could read right now( it can be your own story or someone elses) but i want to read and i'll be sure to leave a comment and a vote, but don't forget to vote for my story and comment it please thank you


Hi !!!! okay i know it has been a long time since i last posted a chapter( one month and a half) but yeah chapter 7 is finally out !!! it is not that long. I actually had so many things to do over that months and didn't have much time. But i'll try from now one to update every 2 weeks. So ENJOY chapter 7 and I hope you'll like it!!