To All My Followers:
it has come to a time where..i cannot write aarmau my whole life D: I'm an average seventeen year old who loves writing. I wanna write my own passion, not just a silly OTP. I wanna write about my life, my sad breakups, my grief, my depression, my family, etc. Aarmau to me got boring. I barely watch Aphmau, Mostly cause her content is games and stuff. I hope you all could understand this also, I always will be an Aphmau fan, but it cannot always just be Aphmau. Like I said, I wanna start writing more mature content, I wanna write about "Dakota and Me" (if you were a fan ever since day1, You would realize where I'm getting at). Ive been on wattpad for almost 2 years. I think its time for a change. I understand if you only were following me for my Aphmau content, but please understand, I have a terrible life..and I wanna write about it lol.
I Hope You All Understand
and Thank You :)
Yours Truly,
Melina :3
Instagram: You_Arent_The_Same_Mel
Snapchat: MelinaCantRead
Facebook: Melina Mendez