
Ahh, here it is, the final chapter of Blue Eyes. Go! Go! Go! Thank you to the readers that have stuck with me the whole way. I know there was only one or two of you on this platform. I really have appreciated you. Thank you for the votes and comments! Book two will start in a few weeks. I am going to go back and edit some of Blue Eyes and start typing up My Life Without You. Get a few chapters started before I post weekly.


Ahh, here it is, the final chapter of Blue Eyes. Go! Go! Go! Thank you to the readers that have stuck with me the whole way. I know there was only one or two of you on this platform. I really have appreciated you. Thank you for the votes and comments! Book two will start in a few weeks. I am going to go back and edit some of Blue Eyes and start typing up My Life Without You. Get a few chapters started before I post weekly.


Chapter 18 is up for Blue Eyes. Took me a while to get it out, My kids got a bad cold and decided to give it to me so my head has been foggy and I could not think. We are all better now and had a fun day in the sun kayaking. It really helped clear my mind to get back to writing.