
this message may be offensive
Okay so there happened a lot of crazy shit when i was away for vacation. Wattpad closed literally looool we just couldn't get in, then Instagram shut down and then Roblox which I don't play but a lot of other people did and also Brawlstars or however you write it. I'm must say I'm not really a fan of playing games. Anyway I just started with a new school and I'm sooo not in the mood. Like I wanna make money but skipp the learning process and as a future doctor that just doesn't make sense. I MUST learn. (And tbh I'm a bit forced in this field of work) I mean I had my likings about it but that was a way too far away for me and I just did not want to be a doctor just a normal doctor, I really did not want to, but here we are. Yes.


this message may be offensive
Okay so there happened a lot of crazy shit when i was away for vacation. Wattpad closed literally looool we just couldn't get in, then Instagram shut down and then Roblox which I don't play but a lot of other people did and also Brawlstars or however you write it. I'm must say I'm not really a fan of playing games. Anyway I just started with a new school and I'm sooo not in the mood. Like I wanna make money but skipp the learning process and as a future doctor that just doesn't make sense. I MUST learn. (And tbh I'm a bit forced in this field of work) I mean I had my likings about it but that was a way too far away for me and I just did not want to be a doctor just a normal doctor, I really did not want to, but here we are. Yes.


yarin Ingilizce son sinavim vaaaaar, 2 gun once calistim o kadar, umarım yeter çünkü bu sivri gecmem gerek. hadi hayirlisi


sinav sinav mi demistim? once sivriye değiştirip sonra sınasa değiştiriyordu aman


ay su leptobumun seyini kapatamadım. yazdigim her seyi değiştiriyor.


Oha yeni fark ediyorum ama 2024 olmuş ya.. artık mutlu mu desem olmaz da, ölmek için yaşıyoruz hayat ne verirse o yılınız kutlu olsun. Aman iste, bakalım ben de belki zaman ayırabilirsem kitap yazmak istiyorum da hele şu son gunler ağır bastı.