
Thanks for follow. Welcome to WP!! Check out my reading lists if you are after some recomended reading.  I am based in New Zealand,  and it is the setting for some if my stories. Hope you get the chance to read and comment on them.  Happy reading, talk soo


Hi Melissa,
          I am a self-published Indie SF Author and I like to think that my books and stories are a little bit different to a lot of 'modern' SF so I would like to offer the chance to read my books.
           As you can see if you read my blog ( )
          I write SF and Fantasy. I have seven books already on Amazon (Eight if you add on Tales of the Ferryman & the ghost stories on my blog!) Most people like them – see reviews!You will also meet some of the strangest alien beings that you can imagine in the Genesis series! See my Interview – on local paper; -----  
           (Read the Ferryman Tales from no 1 to 15) Or you could enjoy reading the Tales of the Ferryman at HarperCollins Authonomy 
 Will also take you to my novels.
           I'm 70 so if I go wrong using this method of contact please forgive me! I also live in England! 
           At the moment I have finished writing the sequel to Elf War and Molock's Wand called Star-Seed.(Book 8) My elves do not do magic! Many of my wife's friends and others have read the first book and loved it so much they asked me if I could take them to the Elf worlds again. Well I did! I have now finished writing Star-Seed, book three in the series.
           So I write because just now and again someone says, "I really loved reading your book. Will there be a next one?" That is all it takes to send me back to the keyboard. I have seen over 5,700 people have visited my blog which is stuffed with stories of all kinds. Just to know that some of these are read is enough! Whether or not the other seven books get 'found' and read is something that I cannot influence. 
           All the best, Barry.