Should u do it? Shouldn't u? Self-publishing is hard hard work and not guaranteed success but it is rewarding with what success you do achieve. It requires promoting, giveaways, blog tours, having many social networks: facebook, twitter, tumblr, an active blog. I'd recommend making an author website too (wix and weebly are good choices, so is squaresource but I haven't used it personally). And be sure to set up a newsletter that people can sign up to so you always keep your fans informed. I don't know much about getting published by a publishing house, but I know that they choose the cover, if something needs to be removed or added in, altering things that I don't think you'd be willing to see changed. I know I wouldn't. So self-publishing has more freedom, it's quicker to get out there, but harder to stay out there. If your ranking is low, like mine, then it's harder for people to find you. Which is why signing up to promoters and getting reviews is important. And if you put your novel at a low price in the beginning, it should bring in some readers. 99c to $2.99 is a good area. Then if you have more books, in a series or separate, you can make them a bit more expensive so people feel inclined to get the next ones. Hope this has helped and isn't off topic ;)