
Hi im finally back on again! sorry i havent been updating sience the summer but the school year has been really craizy for me, i will finally be reading, writing, writing alot  now that im back on! im sorry for not updating but "when you just begin to settle, life throws a stone at you" (@all avengers fans) I am, however, writing a new story called "The Slender-Man"! and i hope you enjoy it!


Hi im finally back on again! sorry i havent been updating sience the summer but the school year has been really craizy for me, i will finally be reading, writing, writing alot  now that im back on! im sorry for not updating but "when you just begin to settle, life throws a stone at you" (@all avengers fans) I am, however, writing a new story called "The Slender-Man"! and i hope you enjoy it!


Hey buddy. Thanks for the vote. I hope you enjoy the chapter. 


Btw, when is your chapter 2 coming out? Im eagerly awaiting. 


Hey. Thanks so much for the follow back. And a even bigger thanks for voting on Son of the Seas. I sincerely hope you are enjoying it. 


Hey. Thanks for the vote. I hope you enjoyed the chapter. 


Cool. Hey, any questions, just hit me up.