
Hi guys! I know I'm not like an author or anything, but I noticed that I have almost zero views on my collection of stories and poetry and I was wondering if you could take a minute out of these awfully boring quarantine days and maybe take a peek at some of my content. Thanks, and I understand if poetry isn't really your thing!


Hi guys! I know I'm not like an author or anything, but I noticed that I have almost zero views on my collection of stories and poetry and I was wondering if you could take a minute out of these awfully boring quarantine days and maybe take a peek at some of my content. Thanks, and I understand if poetry isn't really your thing!


Hallo frenz! So I know I haven't updated anything in like a solid year and that is 100% on me. I kind of lost my inspiration (yes after a single chapter) and it obviously has taken me a while to gain it back, but I finally have a week where I can just chill out and write! Hopefully, I'll be able to whack out the rest of chapter 2 for PTU and shove out some more poems that I have sitting around in the corners of my hard drives. Anyways, I hope all of you guys have a wonderful spring break, and I hope that more people get to read my work! Byyyyyyeeee


Hey, you still up for the editing gig?


@MelodicMadness44 Of course! Start whenever you please.


@NoahWillow just as a side note, I am unable to start today, as it is 12:45 pm right now, and I should probably sleep at a reasonable hour . However, I will attempt to begin edits as soon as possible tomorrow if that is what you had in mind


Thanks for adding Loaded Guns and Broken Fences to your list! If/when you get around to it, I hope you'll like it. :)


@MelodicMadness44 Oh! lol Thank you! Really glad to hear that!


@HicksScribbles  I've already started reading it, and its amazing! Keep it up!


Hey, so I know I dont have a lot of followers but I just finished reading a book that deserves high praise and I felt the need to share it. The novel is called 'The Color of Music' and is beautifully written. It does cover some difficult subjects such as rape and abuse, abd the author certainly does not sugarcoat the severity of it. Nonetheless, it spoke to mr on such bounds that I feel like a different person afterwards. Yes, it has gramatical and spelling errors- no one is perfect, but if you guys want to read a powerful book that may or may not innspire you to adjust your lifestyle, this may be for you.