
The only hope for you is now my fave song off danger days


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oh shit, I just searched up your user on tik tok and ig I'm already following you lol. 


so um @Apologetic_rat what do I do if someone tags me that's never happened to me before sorry


@Melodies_Of_Rain like create a book for tags and write a chapter?


@Apologetic_rat  um wdym write a section of a book


it’s okay dw :))) and basically you can either like write like a section of a book (like i did) ((that’s why some people have like tag books)) or just ignore it!! it up to you!! :))


I hope anyone who is being affected or fearful of Pride Fall is safe. please be safe and you are valid. be your beautiful self, trust me, that's the worlds greatest gift. we're lucky to have such a diverse and beautiful planet made up of so many different people. I am lucky to be aware of so many beautiful souls. I love you and you mean the world to me even if i don't know you personally ^O^!(^^)!❤