
Heyyyy so quick update sorry I haven’t been uploading stories rn it’s just school life is hitting me so hard rn but I’m trying my best to write on my free time but I also have to use that free time to study for my written drivers exam because I want to drive soon and go wherever I want without permission. But don’t worry I’ll try my best to upload more stories during my winter break but don’t get your hopes too high because life is really unexpected but like I said I’ll try hard to write stories. Thank you for those who has been with me when I didn’t update…love you all 


Heyyyy so quick update sorry I haven’t been uploading stories rn it’s just school life is hitting me so hard rn but I’m trying my best to write on my free time but I also have to use that free time to study for my written drivers exam because I want to drive soon and go wherever I want without permission. But don’t worry I’ll try my best to upload more stories during my winter break but don’t get your hopes too high because life is really unexpected but like I said I’ll try hard to write stories. Thank you for those who has been with me when I didn’t update…love you all 


Hello to everyone I’ll like to announce something very tragic 
          For those who know the Dream Smp 
          Technoblade died 
          Now to those who don’t know him he was a very great human being and was an inspiration to us all including me. He fought very hard to overcome what he had for his family friends and us and I’ll never forget that. He was a great inspiration to me that my very first book (that I have not published its for me only for now) I ever wrote is a fanfic about him.
          I know it will be very rude of me to continue it and apart of me doesn’t and apart of me does because I feel like we shouldn’t forget what kind of man he was and will always be. But you guys tell me your opinion and I will consider them but I feel like I will finish my unpublished story just to have a ending for it just tell me if I should show it to people or not.
          Thank you Technoblade for everything you will always be in our hearts 
          And thank you for inspiring me to become a better person 
          Blood for the blood god
          Technoblade never dies <3


TYSM FOR SUPPORTING MY BOOK! : ) you and other commenters make me feel so happy and give so much motivation <33


Awe no problem your story is great plus every author like us should get a little positivity every once and a while for they could continue with their story and let their imagination take place it gives them a chance to do something they like and it gives them more confidence to do their story and finish them


Heyyy, how have you been doing? <3


Hey, don’t apologize for not writing. You come first, so you focus on you, alright? I wish you the best of luck on your PSAT, and I believe you’ll be able to bring your grade back up. You got this! <33


Hi listen so I’m good emotional and physically but mentally no so I had to stop writing for a while because I have school test (PSAT) and my Teacher is being very hard on us and I do my work but I have a low grade but I really want to go back on writing but I can’t but I’ll try my hardest to post at least something soon I promise 