
The Doctors daughter has been getting more attention, and just to let you know, I have no plans to complete it. If anyone currently reading it would like a bit of a summary of what i had planned for the rest of the story, make sure to ask me.


Are u going to continue Princess Of Ok'asi. (Sorry if I spelled that wrong.) Sorry if I sound pushy I don't mean it to sound like that but I like this book and I am so curious to see what happens don't mean this to sound mean.


@_Sammy_Whammy_ whatever floats your boat (lol sorry). Thats up to u, and that's ok lets just say that season 3 interesting  


@_Sammy_Whammy_ *season 2 episode where Aaron dies


@_Sammy_Whammy_  No, I stopped watching MCD after season 2 really, so this will never officially be finished. I also lost touch with the story, and fell out of love with writing it. I'm sorry. However I do remember what I had planned for the season 2 finale, where Aaron dies, would you like me to write that?


Si vous ne parlez que l'anglais que vous êtes, oh attendre que vous utilisez google traduire comme le reste de ce monde parce qu'ils sont trop paresseux pour apprendre des choses ces jours-ci, je veux dire saviez-vous que j'étais juste à une histoire l'autre jour et ce Fille littéralement juste là texting quand quelqu'un on essayait de parler à elle, mais la personne ne parlait pas l'anglais donc la fille a dit "en utilisant le google traduisent je ne parle pas le russe" ainsi l'autre personne était fou et j'ai marché vers le haut À eux et a commencé à leur parler en français et ils ont répondu alors je me suis tourné vers l'autre fille et a dit "vous devriez connaître vos amis mieux de savoir qu'ils parlent le français pas allemand"


@dobbylover34 it's ok most of the time I do it to confuse people


@dobbylover34  okay, well that took forever to translate since I can't copy and paste that, but if your mad I don't speak French I apologize, language just isn't my thing. But I don't think you should expect me to know it either. Sorry if my using google translate for my story offended you.


The Doctors daughter has been getting more attention, and just to let you know, I have no plans to complete it. If anyone currently reading it would like a bit of a summary of what i had planned for the rest of the story, make sure to ask me.