
@PayneInTheArseAl you just had to totinoes well yes I noe who u tlking bout & yall weirdos & thts wat ramos said in all the thngs tht sounded dirty black ( pokes nose) so yea it is pretty long like no lie -.- well we needa txt right noe!


update Wednesday Girl (GirlxGirl) plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz


hey kyo199517 sorry if I haven't been able to update I have been having difficulties with my computer and all but I am almost done with the new chapter I will try to upload on Saturday since most likely I will get my hands on a new lap on Friday my apologize once more


Butenough about that. It 1:24 am of July 3rd. Soon July 4th. WOOO! I guess? SO yeah I realized in 13 more days imma be 15. WOOOO 15 HERE I COME!!! Yeah you probably don't Give a rats ass since you turn 15 like in September and thinking I'm a young fool barely turning 15 and about to be a sophomore. Ha! XD imma genius! 


Like no seriously we had a bunch of memories flooding in while she was peeing and I was fixing my hair. Like how I was in fourth grade and she was who knows what grade. We both would go to the bathroom together and just talk while we took turns peeing. But we also remembered how we once shared a toilet seat and peed but I forgot why we done that. C'mon we were kids. We also remembered how we would go late at night to pee and when we would close the lid and flush then quickly sit on it so it wouldn't make noise. But we failed because it mad lots of noise. -.- 


@MelyRamos0  I barely saw that you replied to this. I was like having Harry feels. SO I'm like: HAZ STAPH! Then went on my profile to see if you posted the new book. You didn't .___. but yeah I saw this and looked what we put and I laughed. An it like 1:02 right now so It was a struggle to be quiet. (That's what Ramos said *touches nose* red) but yeah so I'm think another long ass comment? No you say? Well to flucking bad imma still do it (once again sounds dirty) because I'm a flucking rebel. 


lol totinos & dam i didnt notice this til noe O.O lol u would totinos & do ur hw stop procasinating \(>.<)/ & cmon u had to write about juan infection in my profile? like really? u noe how i dislike juaninfection and ur all writin about it oh well & btw yes tht did sound wrong lol thts wat ramos said XD