I’ve been playing video games since getting a computer. Been playing a lot of Minecraft because, cute game :) I build amazing houses I also played the Tomb Raider games because like, they look fun and they’re really cheap right now. The first game is fun but with a little weird controls, and the second game is amazing, that is my favourite. But the third game sucks :( and it made me so sad. I only played it for 10 hours and already finished it. And I almost cried when I finished, not because the ending is sad but because there’s 6 or 7 hours of my life I won’t ever get back. The start is so so so good but then it just becomes bad :(
The third game is also like, unnecessarily scary. I’m a whimp with horror things or scary things, I hate them so much. Some of the areas were just terrifying and some of the enemies gave me a massive ick