
Have I told u guys that I stream and do Youtube now?  Well I stream and do Youtube now and I'm gonna be live Saturday at 1pm CST on my single player survival world 
          	If ur just learning about this, I still have all the vods of my previous streams and am planning on editing them down into YT vids sometime soon (nothing weird happened to me on the world at all idk what ur talking abt they're just chill streams definitely) 
          	See ya there!


Have I told u guys that I stream and do Youtube now?  Well I stream and do Youtube now and I'm gonna be live Saturday at 1pm CST on my single player survival world 
          If ur just learning about this, I still have all the vods of my previous streams and am planning on editing them down into YT vids sometime soon (nothing weird happened to me on the world at all idk what ur talking abt they're just chill streams definitely) 
          See ya there!


My manager is a rlly sweet lady, but she's middle aged and has kids and every time she asks me what I did on my time off I just tell her that I play games and watch Youtube bc I'm lowkey boring, but the problem is that she asks me what kind of games I play and what I draw 
          Bro how tf am I supposed to explain MCYT to her dawg I'd look like a madman


@MemeDealerK  The problem with explaining MCYT to normal people.


"I watch block people and I'm hyperfixated on a blonde white man and his Life Series lore, also I'm currently working on writing a fan comic about one of them being evil and killing half the population, how's ur weekend been?" she's gonna recommend me to a mental asylum


Just found out on my own that FireAlpaca has a backup autosave feature, whoever made that feature needs to get their ass ate rn you've just saved me so much time and ruined quality of my already low quality animatic 
          On the same note I finally got a real video editor (CapCut) so watch out world I unlocked tweening before hand drawn animation


this message may be offensive
I hate it when ppl say "Never do [thing] when [doing a creatively charged action]" it pisses me off so much
          "Never use a dream sequence when writing a book!"  Yeah sure, if the dream sequence is pure shock/mystery value.  You CAN use a dream sequence to foreshadow an event, or symbolize a character's feelings that they otherwise would have a hard time conveying, or establishing some worldbuilding. 
          "Never use the circle tool when drawing a character's head!"  Yeah sure, if your art style is more prone to realism and/or atomically correctness.  You CAN use the circle tool if your style is more cartoony, or of it fits better with the vibe of your art, or if you want a character to stand out in some way to the rest of the world you've curated. 
          Creativity, at it's core, is not set in stone.  There are no "rules" to drawing or writing or making music, at most there are basic beginner guidelines that can and will be messed with later on when people become experts at the craft.  Saying "never do this" discourages people who otherwise could've made something great by breaking said "rule", and creates conformity in a non-conforming practice.  I've seen these kinds of "tips" spread around art-based spaces so much and that's why it pisses me off, bc I know if I'd have been told that shit as a beginner artist/writer and believed it, I prob would've given up, and it sucks to know that that could be happening to someone else as I type.  They cry about "everything's too similar!" and then cry again when people make something different because "it's not following the rules!"


Make your own damn rules.  If you want to have a more realistic art style, don't use the circle tool for a head.  If you want to worldbuild or foreshadow in some other way, don't start your story with a dream sequence.  But just know that the only way to be lazy in true art is to do nothing at all.  You can always bend and break the "rules" to fit what you're going for, and you're better off for it. 
            Anyways I shat in the urinal at Denny's how's everyone else's night going?


My favorite fun fact about me is that I share a birthday with Jerma 
          Anyway coming out to my family went well and I'm now an adult :)


@MemeDealerK yippee, congrats! Glad that went well for you! 