
          	Wow It’s been about 3 weeks. As I’ve said before I’m having trouble finding the time to write a chapter. School and my other hobbies seem to take all of time away. I’ve been thinking of writing some other fan fictions other than my current story- RaB. Would you like to see something such as that or do you have any suggestions for me? Feel free to send them my way. Besides that I just wanted to ensure all of you that I have not given up. Life is just being a little bit of a pain. 


          Wow It’s been about 3 weeks. As I’ve said before I’m having trouble finding the time to write a chapter. School and my other hobbies seem to take all of time away. I’ve been thinking of writing some other fan fictions other than my current story- RaB. Would you like to see something such as that or do you have any suggestions for me? Feel free to send them my way. Besides that I just wanted to ensure all of you that I have not given up. Life is just being a little bit of a pain. 


          Really tired at the moment. As I said previously in the chapter I rushed a lot at the end and I think that effects the story by a considerable amount :(. I will ensure that it’s proper and reviewed at its entirety when I have a chance. Regarding the next chapter I still have no clue! Maybe soon-who knows. Anyways thats it for now.


          Been a minute. Didn’t exactly keep up to my promise …but this time I’m for sure going to get some stuff written. Albeit if it takes some time-which I hope yall don’t mind. (Ah what am I even saying I doubt anyone checks this account anymore.) 
          In the mean time until I get a solid chance to write I will be uploading something that my friend had written for RAB. (I plan to stick to my original time line that I had mentioned earlier in the year)  It will be edited and changed accordingly to what I think is best for the story to respect his time and effort; it’s not exactly ‘cannon’ but rather something, something is better than nothing after all. Expect it at the latest this friday. (Trust)I hope to begin writing the second chapter tomorrow-but as for the finish and eventual upload there is no solid date.  Until then.


Peak! ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) 


Upd when


            I suppose I’ll consider it. 


Get used to disappointment.


          a quick update on recent events. I haven’t had the chance to write anything because of my exams. Sorry. With this I have also decided to put a pause on the story I spoke of in my last announcement. In no way am I near the experience or level to materialize a story such as this one. For this reason, I will be focusing more on gaining the necessary understanding of writing and world building.To do this I will return to writing in the one shot book to gain said experience. Once I believe that I have reached a sufficient level of mastery for writing, I return to my original plan. If you were excited for the story, I am truly sorry. (I doubt anyone is because my account is dead and irrelevant T-T)  That’ll be all for now. 
          Good day, where ever you might be,
          P.s Maybe a new chapter on Friday of this week? Who knows.


          Its been a while hasn't it? If you haven't figured it out yet, I have not written anything in quite a while. Despite my promise to upload a chapter once a month (or something along the lines of that) I have yet to fulfill that promise I made quite a while ago. The main reason being is that I simply lost motivation and the drive that first drove me to write in the first place. Though, I have found a new drive recently. Do not expect anything similar to what I had first originally wrote-It will be something entirely different.  I thank every one of you that has read this message, truly. More updates will be posted soon.  That'll be all for now folks,
          Good day.
          (I have changed my profile and the likes, just a personal choice.)