
Does anyone have discord? 


Hi everyone, sorry that I appear and later on disappear. But I have a story I am working on and I will give you guys context and a question. So the story takes place during the medieval times. I was inspired by Anne Boleyn and Henry the 8ths. About their love life as well as Anne Boleyn’s down fall. So my question for you guys is will you guys read it and give it a shot? I will even make a separate story about the characters and another information if you guys want it. I’ve been working on it for a year and I still am. 


Sorry I wasn’t active as much, I heard accounts are being deleted, so I don’t know if imma get deleted but if I do
          I’m sorry for not posting much and being less active :(


@jamise12345678910 don’t know but some people are saying they are


@LunaNight33  why are they deleting accounts????????????????????????????????


Sorry I’m not on much I try to do much but the books I mostly read are still updating or just finish and all :/ 
          I’m also gonna delete some of my books cause they aren’t that good as I want them to be. 
          Tell me your opinion if you like this idea or not 
          I will listen :D